Journal Entry 4: Things I Learned From Trying To Start A Dropshipping Business

Journal Entry 4: Things I Learned From Trying To Start A Dropshipping Business

Back in 2017, I learned about the concept of starting a dropshipping business online. The reasonable thing to do was I tried 3 times starting a dropshipping business, I failed, but I learned a lot of things from that experience. [Read more]

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Journal Entry 3: Revising My Freelance Web Development Service Packages

Journal Entry 3: Revising My Freelance Web Development Service Packages

Because I decided to take my freelance web development business more seriously, I reviewed my current service model or business model, and made some revisions to improve it. [Read more]

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Journal Entry 2: Working On My Freelancing Business

Journal Entry 2: Working On My Freelancing Business

Ever since I quit my job at the end of 2017, I have been working on my web development skills to hopefully generate some sort of income through freelancing. I applied to many gigs on Upwork every single month. I [Read more]

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Journal Entry 1: So I Tried Applying for a Job At Chipotle...

Journal Entry 1: So I Tried Applying for a Job At Chipotle...

When it comes to trying to succeed as an entrepreneur, it's not easy. There comes a point where money takes the highest priority before one can continue pursuing something of high risk, in this case, entrepreneurship. During the timing of [Read more]

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