Eric Liang
Full Stack Developer

Eric Liang's Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio! Find a showcase of design, development, and experimental projects that I've done. These projects can include a mix of mobile apps and web apps, as well as just pure graphic design work. I've included them in their respective project page just to avoid clutter, confusion, and repetitiveness. I've also included a case study of each project which you can view by clicking on the image below. Click a tag to filter out the projects.

Petrix Maps Enterprise Project CoverTNicoleMusic Project CoverKerry's Blog Portfolio Project CoverHackerNewsClone Portfolio Project CoverSnapshotJS Portfolio Project CoverDistractMeNot Chrome Extension Portfolio Project CoverLast Wish Portfolio Project CoverEric Liang Personal Website 2018 Portfolio Project CoverGoal Striver Portfolio CoverMaxRep Fitness Tracker Portfolio Project CoverAmerican Creative Team Website Portfolio CoverEric Liang Personal Website 2017 Portfolio Project CoverBrevis URL Shortening Web App Portfolio Project CoverDiscord Bot Portfolio Project CoverMortgage Calculator Portfolio Project Cover

Have A Project In Mind?

Interested in working with me? Let's have a quick chat, and see how we can make your project come to life. :)

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